Floating Faces by Dasha D.

The popular art movement of Minimalism developed in the late 1950s and early 60s. This period marked a major transition in art, particularly amongst young artists whose works began to actively experiment and move away from traditional art forms.

What is Minimalism?

Minimalist Art can be seen as propounding the abstract idea that art should have its reality and not represent an imitation of some other thing. When we think of art, we think of it as illustrating an aspect of the real world, be it a landscape, an individual, or even a spoon; or depicting an experience such as an emotion or feeling. Minimalist art does not attempt to represent an outside reality, rather the artist wants the viewer to acknowledge only what is in front of them. The form of the work and the material (or medium) from which it is made, is the reality. Frank Stella, the renowned Minimalist artist said about his paintings, ‘’What you see is what you see’’.

The Development of Minimalist Art

The development of minimalism is intricately linked to conceptual art. Both movements flourished in the 1960s and 1970s and challenged the existing structures for misplacing the importance given to the art object that results in a rigid and elitist art world, only to be enjoyed by the privileged few.

What is One-Line Art?

A one-line art is a drawing made with just one line. This one line art may be of any image that consists of well-defined straight or curved lines, set against a plain background, without gradations of shade or color to represent two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects. Although line art is usually monochromatic, it can also use lines of different colors. Before the world saw the development of semitones and photography, line art was the standard arrangement for Illustrations to be joined on print distributions, utilizing black ink on white paper

For most artists, it is a way to simplify the complexities of the world around them. The work of each artist has its specific characteristics, for each of them may have different motivation as an artist.

Dasha’s style is minimal and organic. The line varies in thickness throughout the whole piece and flows in smooth curves. She captures the aura of women in her drawings. Her work also includes the emotions and colorfulness entrenched in the tribal culture.

Why Should You Buy Minimalist Art?

Minimalism serves as an open and easy starting point for anyone interested in kick-starting an art collection. The very core of the minimalist concept is that more is not always better. This is the reason why Minimalist Art is so substantial.

December 29, 2021